About US
Our Story
Our Pastors
What We Believe
Our Churches
Central Baptist Church
Tyrells Baptist Church
Covenant Baptist Church
Immanuel Baptist Church
ECBM Media
Family News
ECBM Baptist Schools
Application For Admission
Baptist Academy Re-Registration Form
Achievements of the Baptist Academy
School Canteen Menu
Biblical Articles and Issues
The Abstract of Principles
The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith
A Catechism for Girls and Boys
What is a Reformed Baptist Church?
Spurgeons's Catechism
Policy on Divorce
Ultimate Questions by John Blanchard
Reformed Theology
Simplify Family Worship
Gospel-Driven Sanctification
Our Daily Bread
Ligonier Devotionals
My Utmost For His Highest
Spurgeon's Daily Meditations
East Caribbean Baptist Mission: Gospel Response Form
If you are ready to act on what you have just heard or read, please fill out the form below. We will make your spiritual need the priority of our church.
Please Indicate Below:
I have repented of my sins and placed my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I have rejected my life of sinful thoughts, words, and deeds. I am now content to trust in, cling to, and rely upon Christ alone for salvation. I would like to make sure that I understand the biblical requirements concerning these matters correctly.
I know that God has saved me and I am ready to make a Public testimony in Believer’s Baptism according to the command of Christ.
I need a church home and I believe that God is leading me to become a member of this local church.
I am a member, in good standing, of this local church, but there are some personal matters that I would like to discuss confidentially and biblically with one of my pastors.
I was once a member of this local church, but I lost my membership when I violated the requirements and standards of membership. I would like to be forgiven and restored to fellowship with this church.
I am not a member of this church, but I am having some problems in my personal life and would like to talk to one of the pastors about it in a confidential and biblical setting.
Phone Number
First Name
Last Name
Best Time To Call: