*This amendment, if approved, will be added to Article VIII (Officers), Section C (Elders), Paragraph 1 at the end of the paragraph.*
Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of Presiding Elder, the oldest member of the Eldership who serves full time on the Eldership shall immediately take upon himself the responsibility of Interim Presiding Elder and shall serve in this role, temporarily executing the duties of the Presiding Elders, for 12 months. The church may, by majority vote, extend this time as it deems necessary.
During these 12 months or church-approved extensions of the same, the Trustees (Elders and Deacons) shall search for a Presiding Elder who may be chosen from the existing members of the Eldership or from the Elders of Confessional Reformed Baptist Churches around the world which hold to the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, and present one candidate at a time for the consideration of the church.
A supermajority of 3/4 members attending a duly called meeting for voting on a candidate for the office of the Presiding Elder shall be required to elect the candidate to the office. Such a voting meeting shall be announced during a Sunday morning worship service at least four weeks before the meeting and every Sunday morning service in between, and the vote shall be conducted by secret ballot. The Presiding Elder must meet all of the qualifications for Elders outlined in this Article.
During these 12 months or church-approved extensions of the same, the Trustees (Elders and Deacons) shall search for a Presiding Elder who may be chosen from the existing members of the Eldership or from the Elders of Confessional Reformed Baptist Churches around the world which hold to the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, and present one candidate at a time for the consideration of the church.
A supermajority of 3/4 members attending a duly called meeting for voting on a candidate for the office of the Presiding Elder shall be required to elect the candidate to the office. Such a voting meeting shall be announced during a Sunday morning worship service at least four weeks before the meeting and every Sunday morning service in between, and the vote shall be conducted by secret ballot. The Presiding Elder must meet all of the qualifications for Elders outlined in this Article.